Immersive / science / sound / ​​​​​​​light / art
Unique hybrid science art project, which reflects a modern scientific paradigm in futuristic art vision. Multimedia installation demonstrates the transformation of light into complex three-dimensional moving forms synchronized with multichannel sound, which creates the spectacular scene of distant galaxies, disconnecting the attention from context reality and immersing into intuitive perception of extraterrestrial experience. The laser ray splitting point in the darkness symbolizes the awareness of the bases of the universe at the moment of transition to the digital age. The immersive sound design transports spectators into the vastness of space, evoking the sublime and stirring a deep emotional response.​​​​​​​
Spectator can look to the night sky and ponder our connection to its stars and the possibilities of life beyond what we can see, explore the void and yet contemplate how precious and finite our own lives are amidst the infinity that lies beyond our world. Space serves as a reminder of our insignificance and our potential as a species, driving us to at once be both more humble and more determined in our endeavors. Through the harmonious blend of art, science, and contemplation, "Enlightenment" invites viewers to transcend the confines of earthly existence and embrace a broader perspective. The project takes us on a  journey, inspiring to explore the depths of our own curiosity and to embrace the infinite possibilities of our consciousness, immersing us in a sense of true reality and anticipation of the future. It is a captivating exploration of the relationship between man and the cosmos, inspiring a profound sense of wonder and connection with the grandeur of the universe.
"Enlightenment" by Evgenius is a laureate of Opline Prize 2022: International award in digital contemporary art in Paris, France.
Selected events & exhibitions:
International Art & Architecture Fair, that takes place in Venice at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello at the time of the 18th Venice Biennale of Architecture, presenting a selection of architects and artists, whose works will focus on AI and its impact. Presentation of multimedia outdoor hybrid urbanistic architectural composition - installation "Enlightenment / Pyramidl" (Venice, Italy)
OPLINE PRIZE Prize in digital contemporary art
Evgenius is the laureate of OPLINEPRIZE#14, nominated by Nils Aziosmanoff - founding president of the digital creation center Le CUBE and curator of the prize. This is the 1st international award in digital contemporary art, which for fourteen years is playing a major role on the art scene by awarding a prize for artists of all generations and all cultures (Paris, France)
FUTUR EN SEINE Le festival de l’innovation numérique 
Futur en Seine - the biggest European festival & conference, dedicated to digital innovation. Exhibited projects are selected for their emerging, sustainable, innovative character and their technological excellence. In frames of the festival Evgenius presented immersive multimedia project "Enlightenment / The Temple", La Capela (Paris, France)
LE CUBE Centre de création numérique 
The first digital creation center in France. It explores and crosses new artistic, scientific and citizen territories with four main activities: digital art, education, foresight and training. At the art centre Evgenius held a residence and a professional meeting with students and presented immersive multimedia project "Enlightenment / The Temple" at the opening of the season of the center Le Cube (Paris, France)
ROUXTEUR Festival des cultures numériques 
Festival of digital & new media art, music and electronic culture, which presents an experimental and innovative program of projects with unique scenographic and visual identity.​​​​​​ ​In frames of the festival Evgenius held a residence and presented immersive multimedia project "Enlightenment / Astra", Mains d’Œuvres CAC (Paris, France) 
FICEP Forum des Instituts Culturels Étrangers à Paris  
Semaine des cultures étrangères "Digital et Réalité Virtuelle" - official presentation of Ukraine: project "Enlightenment / Red Flower" in frames of the program Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Centre Culturel d'Ukraine en France (Paris, France) 
MADATAC XII International Festival of New Media Art
Massive exhibition of audiovisual digital & media art and contemporary technologies that values innovation, originality and creative art projects and takes place in Madrid, Spain
International art fair that presents collective and solo projects by international artists. Organized by ITSLIQUID Group in collaboration with YMX Arts, will be held in London, at THE LINE Contemporary Art Space (London, UK)
BRAVE! Media Art & electronic music festival
Brave! is a festival of new media & digital art culture and independent music that was created on the basis of a working factory. The unique line-up unites artists, musicians and modern art lovers from all over the world. At the festival Evgenius presented immersive multimedia project "Enlightenment / Blue Giants" in "MetroBud" Factory
F.A.C.E. OF ART FACE Foundation
International art exhibition and conference of the heads of art institutions, curators, artists, critics and other professionals of contemporary art and culture, dedicated to research and development of the future art scene of Europe, organized by F.A.C.E. Foundation. Evgenius presented an immersive multimedia project "Enlightenment / The Temple" 
ALCHEMIC BODY Fire.Air.Water.Earth 
International festival and exhibition of contemporary arts, project "Enlightenment / The Temple" presentation,  Laura Haber Gallery  (Buenos Aires Argentina)
LIQUID ROOMS The Labyrinth International Art Show 
Large-scale exhibition - official art event of the Venice Carnival. In frames of the official program Evgenius has presented immersive multimedia project "Enlightenment / The Labyrinth" Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi (Venice, Ital)
Pinchuk Art Centre Prize Art Competition 
The PinchukArtCentre Prize is a nationwide prize in contemporary art to young artists. This is the first art prize in Ukraine, aimed at discovering, supporting and fostering a new generation of artists. Projects "Photosynthesis" & "Enlightenment" were presented at the exhibition of the 20 final nominees of the award at PinchukArtCentre 
Contemporary art fair that presents collective and solo projects by leading and emerging international artists. The forum for the direct exchange of ideas and contacts between collectors, artists, photographers, designers and art professionals. Presentation of the project “Enlightenment / The Temple” in the V/A category  (Rome, Italy)

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